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BioResonance PRO Pendant - Advanced environmental Protection

  • BioResonance PRO Pendant in Silver
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Product Description

The BioResonance PRO Pendant in Sterling Silver is the preferred choice for individuals looking for comprehensive protection against all types of environmental stress including EMF related challenges. Typical concerns include geopathic stress above underground waterveins, earth fault lines and natural grid systems such as the Benker grid, Hartmann grid, Curry grid, but also larger grids such as the 250 Meter, the 400 Meter grid system and even Moon Stripes. It also shields the body against the chaos created by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from wireless routers, smart meters, phones, computers and other electronics. 

The PRO pendant carries frequencies to strengthen a person's own biofield against draining energies from other people, often experienced at the workplace, especially with nurses, doctors, teachers, who care all day about others and feel exhausted when they finally get home. It reinforces a person's boundaries and helps them holding their space.

The BioResonance PRO pendant carries informational frequencies specifically designed to support athletes and top performers with physical balance and endurance, coordination and focus. 

Stress, exhaustion and trauma are reasons why subtle energy bodies lose their alignment with our physical body. The sterling silver PRO Pendant increases the energetic alignment of the physical body and its etheric layer which also contributes to the increase in physical strength and balance. (Watch demonstration and the immediate response in video on website.)

The symbol of the pendant is derived from ancient bio-geometry and helps to anchor a detailed informational program in the device.

The pendant is made of sterling silver. Size is about 25mm diameter (about 1 inch). It can be worn as a necklace or just carried within an inch close to the body.

The pendant comes with a black rubber cord with adjustable length. It is recommended one finds a chain or cord material and length of their choice for long term use. Please keep silver shiny with the small jewelry cleansing cloth. Tarnished surface reduces its protective capacity.


Disclaimer: Our products are energetic tools to support body and mind. They are not intended to be a substitute
for medical attention in any way. If you have a medical condition or question please contact your health care provider promptly.

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